full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Adam Sadowsky: How to engineer a viral music video

Unscramble the Blue Letters

OK Go: An introduction. Hello txdusec. We are OK Go. What are we doing? Oh, just hanging out with our Grammy. What what! It think we can do better than this. Hello TEDxUSC. We are OK Go. Have you read the "Natural Curiosity Cabinet?" I mean, "Curiosity" — excuse me. Let me start again. We need some more ridiculous things besides "The Cabinet of Natural Curiosities." Tim's sniaudl hat. Have you seen the new work they've done to the Waltz toerws? Sorry, start again. (Barking) Dogs. Hello, TEDxUSC. We are OK Go, and this our new video, "This Too Shall Pass." [ucnealr] Kay, we can still do one better I think, yeah. That one's ptetry good. It's getting better.

Open Cloze

OK Go: An introduction. Hello _______. We are OK Go. What are we doing? Oh, just hanging out with our Grammy. What what! It think we can do better than this. Hello TEDxUSC. We are OK Go. Have you read the "Natural Curiosity Cabinet?" I mean, "Curiosity" — excuse me. Let me start again. We need some more ridiculous things besides "The Cabinet of Natural Curiosities." Tim's _______ hat. Have you seen the new work they've done to the Waltz ______? Sorry, start again. (Barking) Dogs. Hello, TEDxUSC. We are OK Go, and this our new video, "This Too Shall Pass." [_______] Kay, we can still do one better I think, yeah. That one's ______ good. It's getting better.


  1. tedxusc
  2. sundial
  3. towers
  4. pretty
  5. unclear

Original Text

OK Go: An introduction. Hello TEDxUSC. We are OK Go. What are we doing? Oh, just hanging out with our Grammy. What what! It think we can do better than this. Hello TEDxUSC. We are OK Go. Have you read the "Natural Curiosity Cabinet?" I mean, "Curiosity" — excuse me. Let me start again. We need some more ridiculous things besides "The Cabinet of Natural Curiosities." Tim's sundial hat. Have you seen the new work they've done to the Waltz Towers? Sorry, start again. (Barking) Dogs. Hello, TEDxUSC. We are OK Go, and this our new video, "This Too Shall Pass." [unclear] Kay, we can still do one better I think, yeah. That one's pretty good. It's getting better.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
started talking 3
rube goldberg 3
goldberg machine 3
small stuff 3
music video 2
lego car 2
real car 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
rube goldberg machine 3

Important Words

  1. barking
  2. cabinet
  3. curiosities
  4. curiosity
  5. dogs
  6. excuse
  7. good
  8. grammy
  9. hanging
  10. hat
  11. introduction
  12. kay
  13. natural
  14. pass
  15. pretty
  16. read
  17. ridiculous
  18. start
  19. sundial
  20. tedxusc
  21. towers
  22. unclear
  23. video
  24. waltz
  25. work
  26. yeah